Editing and sending meeting minutes

The meeting minutes are displayed automatically after the meeting has ended and show the agenda (if any), meeting attributes (if this feature is being used), information on date, time, purpose and attendees as well as all information entered by the note taker during the meeting. For more information on viewing, searching and printing meeting minutes, see "Viewing meeting minutes" in the Attendee Guide.

MeetingBooster also stores information such as attendance and absence statistics and duration and cost figures about meetings. This information can be viewed by the administrator (or anyone else with appropriate permissions) in the dashboard reports. For more information, see "Working with dashboards".

If you have used the minutes approval feature for the meeting, and the minutes are either in the process of being approved or have been approved already, they can no longer be edited without interrupting the approval cycle. For more information, see "Managing meeting minutes approval".

Hiding meeting minutes

You may want to hide the meeting minutes, for example because they need to be approved before being displayed, or because they contain sensitive information that you need to review before displaying the minutes.

Click Minutes Shown to hide the meeting minutes.

The orange background of the button is removed to indicate that the minutes are now hidden.

Hiding the minutes affects the minutes listed under Past Meetings on the Meetings tab. The host, organizer, co-organizer and note taker of the meeting will always be able to see the minutes, and the minutes will also be visible to users selected to approve the minutes. No other users in the organization's MeetingBooster installation will be able to see the minutes.

The minutes displayed on the screen after the meeting are not affected, unless you hide the minutes immediately after the meeting (when they are displayed on the screen) and the attendees then refresh their browsers. In this case, the minutes are hidden from the attendees after the browser refresh.

Click Minutes Shown again to show the minutes.

Editing meeting minutes

Notes taken during meetings can be edited in the meeting minutes by the host, organizer, co-organizer or note taker for a period of time defined by the administrator after the meeting ended. In this way, notes can be edited for accuracy and correctness before being saved in the organization's MeetingBooster system and used for further work. For more information on defining the period of time for editing meeting minutes, see "Setting system options".

If the meeting minutes are not displayed, click the meeting whose minutes you want to edit under Past Meetings.

From the meeting minutes ribbon, click Edit .

All notes in the meeting minutes become editable.

Edit individual notes as desired, or click the red cross to delete them.

Click Add Attachment, Add Link, Add SharePoint Link or New Note to enter a new item at the selected location in the meeting minutes.

The procedure for adding these items is the same as when adding them during a meeting; for more information, see "Adding attachments and hyperlinks to topics" and "Taking meeting notes". Just like when taking notes during the meeting, you can mark a note a general discussion, ascribe it to an individual attendee, or mark it a decision.

Click Edit again to exit editing mode and save the minutes.

Editing attendees

You can edit the list of attendees to remove attendees who did not actually participate in the meeting.

Click Edit Attendance .

Deselect attendees as desired in the dialog that opens, and click OK.

You can also use this method to reinsert attendees that you (or another user) had previously removed, but you cannot add users who have not previously been associated with the meeting. You can, however, give other users viewing access to the minutes; for more information, see "Selecting topic viewing access".

Adding or removing topic statuses

If the meeting belongs to a meeting series, you can add or remove topic statuses from topics in the meeting minutes.

For more information, see "Using topic statuses".

Creating and editing tasks in meeting minutes

All tasks listed on the Tasks tab of the meeting minutes can be edited. For more information, see "Editing tasks". In addition, new tasks can be created from the meeting minutes; for more information, see "Managing tasks".

Sending meeting minutes for approval

To make sure that everybody agrees on the content of the meeting minutes, you can send them for approval. The process is similar to the process for approving agendas and is described in "Managing meeting minutes approval".

Sending meeting minutes to attendees

Click Distribute Minutes and choose Send to send the meeting minutes via email to all attendees.

In the dialog that opens, check that the right recipients are selected.

Use the Distribution check box to select or deselect all attendees at once.

Click OK.

If the minutes have not been approved, they cannot be sent to anyone unless this has been allowed by the administrator. For more information on enabling this, see "Setting system options".

Selecting meeting minute settings

Click Distribute Minutes and choose Settings.

On the Styles tab, select a style for the minutes.

On the Settings tab, select settings for the chosen style as needed. Expand or collapse the groups of options by clicking the plus and minus symbols.

Under Document Settings, select general meeting minutes settings. If you select the Include Cover Page check box to include a cover page for the meeting minutes, the Include Logo and Include Signature options become available. The logo is based on the image file uploaded in the Admin section (see "Managing organization information"). Select the Include Signature check box to include an approval page in the minutes; for more information, see below. Select whether you want to embed attachments or insert links to them, and select if topic histories for rolling topics should be included.

Embedding attachments can make the PDF file very large. Only select this option if the meeting minute attachments are fairly small, or if file size is not an issue.

Under Meeting Info, select which meeting details should be included in the meeting information box shown at the top of the meeting minutes.

Under Header and Footer, select if you want to use a header and/or a footer, and which information should be included in each.

Under Formatting, select layout, page size and font size.

Under Tasks, select how tasks should be displayed. Select Include tasks to show the tasks under the topic they belong to. Select Include task summary to show a list of tasks at the end of the minutes. Select Collapse group tasks to show just one instance of each group task instead of showing each individual task. Select Include uncompleted series tasks to include all tasks from the same series as the current meeting that have not been completed yet. This option is only available for meetings that belong to a meeting series. For more information on meeting series, see "Working with meeting series"; for more information on tasks, see "Understanding tasks and projects" and subsequent topics in the Attendee Guide.

Select the check box at the bottom of the dialog to save your settings as the default for all agendas and minutes that you create in MeetingBooster.

If you do this, the default settings used for the agendas and minutes of all past and upcoming meetings are updated with your changes. You can select different settings for individual agendas or minutes, overriding the default settings.

Click OK.

Changing the style, layout, cover page, logo, signature, attachment, page size and font settings for meeting minutes changes the same settings for agendas, and vice versa. For more information on agendas, see "Creating an agenda". The page size settings selected here override the system page size settings set by the administrator. For more information on setting page size and other system settings, see "Setting system options" in the Administrator Guide.

Inserting an approval page

You can insert an approval page at the top of the meeting minutes to allow one or more MeetingBooster users (typically the manager or meeting organizer) to approve the minutes by signing them. The minutes can then be printed, signed and filed for future reference.

This formal approval using signatures is independent of the approval workflow described in "Managing meeting minutes approval". Approval pages are typically used to formally document meeting minute approval, for example at the request of auditors or other external parties.

Select the Include signature check box.

Click Select Users, and select the users that are to sign the meeting minutes in the dialog that opens.

The users selected are displayed on the approval page which is inserted in the meeting minutes before all information on the actual meeting.

Selecting topic viewing access

You can select topic viewing access for attendees as well as users who did not participate in the meeting. For more information, see "Selecting topic viewing access".

Setting meeting attributes

You can set or edit meeting attributes for past meetings if this feature is used in your organization. For more information, see "Setting meeting attributes".