You can quickly and easily add users to the organization's MeetingBooster installation.
Users can also be imported from comma-separated files, spreadsheets or Active Directory/LDAP servers. For more information, see "Importing users".
If you use Active Directory to manage your users, manual user editing will be disabled. For more information, see "Managing users using Active Directory".
Click Settings and select Admin.
Click User Management in the menu or Users in the main window.
Click Add under the list of users.
On the Details tab, enter all necessary information on the new user. Fields marked with a red asterisk () are mandatory.
The email address must be unique.
The display name does not need to be unique. However, to avoid confusion, do not use the same name for more than one user in the organization.
Deselect the Send welcome email now check box if you prefer sending a welcome email manually later. This is a useful option if, for example, you are creating several users and would like to double-check security roles for all of them before inviting them to join MeetingBooster. For more information, see "Managing user welcome".
Be aware that until you send a welcome email or a password reset email, the new user cannot log into MeetingBooster. For more information on sending a password reset email, see "Editing users".
You can customize the layout and content of all emails sent from the system as described under "Customizing emails".
(Optional) Click the User Group field and select a user group for the user in the dialog that opens. For more information on user groups, see "Managing user groups".
If no user group is selected, the new user is automatically assigned to your user group. Your security role may limit which user groups you can select for the users you create. For more information, see "Understanding security roles".
(Optional) Click the Manager field and select a direct manager for the user in the dialog that opens. For more information on user hierarchies, see "Managing user hierarchies".
(Optional) Click the PA field and select one or more personal assistants (PAs) for the user in the dialog that opens. A PA can schedule meetings on behalf of the user. For more information, see "Understanding user roles" and "Scheduling from MeetingBooster".
When selecting a PA, remember to check that the PA's security roles give him or her permission to schedule meetings.
(Optional) Click the Security Roles tab and assign one or more security roles for the user. For more information, see "Assigning security roles".
(Optional) Assign one or more labels to the user. For more information, see "Working with user labels".
You can only view and/or enter salary information for the user if your security role grants you the View Salary and/or Edit Salary permission. For more information, see "Managing security roles".
Click Save.
The new user receives an email with a welcome message and can log on immediately and start using MeetingBooster.
If the user is later made the direct manager of one or more other users in a user hierarchy, these will be visible on the Direct Reports tab. For more information, see "Managing user hierarchies".