You can quickly and easily edit existing users in the organization's MeetingBooster installation.
Remember to notify the user of any changes, especially if the user's email address has been changed. Without a valid email address, the user will not be able to log on to MeetingBooster, and the user will need to update his/her email client plug-in settings (if applicable) if he or she must use a different email address.
If you use Active Directory to manage your users, manual user editing will be disabled. For more information, see "Managing users using Active Directory".
Click Settings and select Admin.
Click User Management in the menu or Users in the main window.
Select the user to be edited in the list of users.
If necessary, use the search and filtering features to find the user more quickly. For more information, see "Searching users". You can also access a user for editing by clicking User Overview in the menu or Users in the main window and then clicking the user to be edited.
On the Details and Security Roles tabs, update information on the user as necessary. Fields marked with a red asterisk () are mandatory.
The email address must be unique.
The display name does not need to be unique. However, to avoid confusion, do not use the same name for more than one user in the organization.
For security reasons, you cannot edit the user's password, but you can send a password reset email to the user by clicking Reset password. You are given the option to send the email to an additional email address.
You can only view and/or edit salary information for the user being edited if your security role grants you the View Salary and/or Edit Salary permission for that user. For more information, see "Managing security roles".
Click Save.
Changes take effect immediately.
Remember to save your changes. If you leave the page without saving your changes, the changes are lost, and the system does not warn you first.
For more information on user groups, see "Managing user groups". For more information on user hierarchies, see "Managing user hierarchies".
You can also transfer meeting-related user data from one user to another. For more information, see "Transferring user data".
For various reasons, a user profile may need to be deactivated but not deleted.
Deactivating a user profile instead of deleting it has the advantage that the user's information is kept in the system, and all tasks, projects, meetings and other information related to the user are not deleted. If the user profile is re-enabled later, the user can continue working as before without having to re-enter all information.
Access the user profile as described above.
Select Disabled on the Account Status drop-down.
Click Save.
The user will not be able to access the user profile until it is activated again.