Scheduling a recurring meeting

Recurring meetings can be scheduled in MeetingBooster following the same basic procedure as for regular, one-off meetings. This feature is very useful for staff meetings, project status meetings or any other kind of meeting that recurs regularly and requires the same attendees to be present.

MeetingBooster does not check if there are schedule conflicts for any attendees when scheduling recurring meetings. If you schedule a recurring meeting from Microsoft Outlook, the email client will check if the new meeting conflicts with any existing entries in the email client's calendar.

From the MeetingBooster home page

Click New Recurring Meeting in the menu.

Enter the title of the recurring meeting and add all other necessary details (organizer, location, start and end times, meeting series and attendees). For more information, see "Scheduling from MeetingBooster".

Agendas and tasks cannot be added for all instances of recurring meetings but can be added for each individual meeting after scheduling and saving the recurring meeting. For more information, see "Editing a meeting".

Meeting attributes (if this feature is used in your organization) are not set for all instances of recurring meetings but can be added for each individual meeting. If an attribute is required, it must be defined for each instance of a recurring meeting before it can be started. For more information, see "Setting meeting attributes".

To avoid having to recreate the same agenda for several similar meetings in a list of recurring meetings, consider saving an agenda as a template and then reusing it for future meetings. For more information, see "Saving an agenda as a template".

Select a meeting recurrence (Daily, Weekly, Monthly or Yearly), and add the necessary recurrence information:

For meetings with daily recurrence, select how often the meeting should repeat (Every x days, where x is the number of days between each meeting).

For meetings with weekly recurrence, select how often the meeting should repeat (Every x weeks, where x is the number of weeks between each meeting), and select on which days of the week meetings should recur.

For meetings with monthly recurrence, select whether the meeting should repeat by a set date or on a set weekday, and enter the necessary details on the set day or date.

For meetings with yearly recurrence, select whether the meeting should repeat by a set date or on a set day of the month, and enter the necessary details on the set day or date.

Enter the date of the first meeting in the Starts field.

Select whether the meeting should never end, should end after a specified number of occurrences, or should end by a set date.

Click Save and Close.

From Microsoft Outlook

Schedule a MeetingBooster meeting as normally. For more information, see "Scheduling from Microsoft Outlook".

Click Recurrence in the ribbon.

Select recurrence options in the Appointment Recurrence dialog.

For more information on scheduling recurring meetings in Microsoft Outlook, see the documentation for Microsoft Outlook.

Click Save and Send.

The next time Microsoft Outlook is synchronized with the MeetingBooster server, the recurring meeting is synchronized with the server.

Changing the recurrence of a recurring meeting

You can change the recurrence of a recurring meeting.

From the MeetingBooster website

Locate the recurring meeting under Upcoming Meetings.

Click Recurrence to the left of the organizer name.

In the pop up window that opens, click Edit Recurrence.

The Details tab of the meeting editor opens, allowing you to update all recurrence details as necessary. Please note that your changes apply to all instances of the recurring meeting.

If you click Delete Recurrence, the recurring meeting is deleted. You will be prompted to confirm the deletion.

If you only need to edit the date and time for one instance of a recurring meeting, click the meeting title under Upcoming Meetings and edit the meeting as necessary. All other instances are unchanged.

From your email client

Locate and edit the recurring meeting as normally for your email client. At the next synchronization, the meeting updates are synchronized with the MeetingBooster server.

From your email client, you can also convert one-off meetings to recurring meetings by simply opening the meetings for editing and providing recurrence information as needed. The changes are synchronized to MeetingBooster.