Using the Welcome wizard

When your administrator adds you to your organization's MeetingBooster installation, he or she may send you a welcome email containing a link to the MeetingBooster Welcome wizard. The Welcome wizard walks you through the steps that you need to complete before you can start using MeetingBooster.

Click the link in the welcome email to launch the Welcome wizard.

Navigate through the Welcome wizard to complete all necessary steps:

Accept the end-user license agreement (EULA).

Choose a password.

Select a calendar integration option, and configure it.

If you are using Outlook, you can download the Outlook plug-in from the Welcome wizard and install it on your computer unless IT policies in your organization dictate otherwise. For more information, see "Installing the Microsoft Outlook plug-in".

At any stage, you can click Back to go back and change your settings.

Click Done to complete the wizard.

You are automatically logged into MeetingBooster and can start using the application.

You can also set up your calendar integration options from the Admin section, and you can always change them from here as described in "Setting up calendar integration and Google options". For information on setting up or changing other options, see "Setting up your preferences".

The available calendar integration options have been selected by the administrator for your organization. For more information, see "Setting calendar integration options" in the Administrator Guide.

If you do not complete the wizard

If for some reason you do not complete the Welcome wizard, a Profile Incomplete message is shown in the menu when you log into MeetingBooster.

Click the message to relaunch the Welcome wizard and enter the missing information.