Accepting or declining a meeting

It is not necessary to accept a meeting before being able to attend it in MeetingBooster. Accepting a meeting, however, gives the meeting organizer advance notice that you will be attending, making planning tasks in connection with the meeting easier.

Meetings that you have created yourself are always implicitly accepted by you and you cannot decline them. You can, however, delete them. See "Deleting a meeting" in the Organizer Guide for more information.

You can add tasks for meetings that you have been invited to join no matter if you accept the meetings or not. For more information, see "Managing tasks". You can also provide agenda suggestions and comments for meetings that you have been invited to join no matter if you accept the meetings or not. For more information, see "Providing input on meeting agendas".

On the MeetingBooster site

Locate the meeting on the Meetings tab. If the meeting has not yet been accepted, its status will read Pending.

If the meeting you are looking for is not displayed, check that the date filter has been set correctly. See "Viewing meetings and tasks".

Click the entry in the Status column. The meeting status changes into a drop-down list. (Depending on the browser you use, the column entry may already be a drop-down list.)

Select Accept or Decline.

If you select Decline, the meeting is removed from your list of meetings. However, you can still view and accept it by clicking the predefined filter Declined Meetings (see "Viewing meetings and tasks"). This is useful if you decline a meeting by mistake.

If you are not going to participate in a given meeting, declining it in MeetingBooster not only gives the meeting organizer advance notice that you will not be participating: it also makes it possible for the administrator to achieve more accurate absence reports. For more information, see "Working with dashboards".

From an invitation email

If you receive a meeting invitation by email, you may have the same options for accepting the meeting that you normally do when using your email client, or different options as described below.

In Microsoft Outlook, there may be Accept, Tentative and Decline buttons.

Other email clients may provide buttons to accept the meeting as well. If they do not, click the link in the invitation email to go to the MeetingBooster site and accept the invitation as described above.

RSVP emails sent directly from MeetingBooster contain links that you can click to accept or decline the meeting. If you click Accept, you are taken to a MeetingBooster web page where you can download and save meeting information in Outlook, Gmail or iCal format.

Meeting invitations sent from Google contain various options:

You may add the meeting to your calendar if your email client supports this.

You can click the Yes, Maybe or No buttons in the email to notify the organizer.

You can click more options in the email to go to the Google Calendar web site for more options.

If you are using a compatible email client with an integrated calendar feature, the meeting may be added to your calendar when you accept the invitation.

For more information on handling meeting invitations in various email clients, read the documentation for your email client.