Starting a meeting

A scheduled meeting can be started from the MeetingBooster site or from Microsoft Outlook by the organizer or any co-organizers appointed for the meeting.

If the meeting agenda has not been approved by the designated attendees, you cannot start the meeting unless this has been allowed by the administrator. For more information, see "Managing agenda approval" and "Setting system options".

From the MeetingBooster site

Locate the meeting in the list of meetings under My Meetings.

Click Start.

If meeting attributes are used in your organization, and one or more required attributes have not been set for the meeting, set the missing required attributes in the dialog that opens. When all required attributes have been set, start the meeting. For more information, see "Setting meeting attributes".

From Microsoft Outlook

Locate the meeting in the calendar, and do one of the following:

Select the meeting, and click Start Meeting .

Right-click the meeting, and click Start Meeting in the shortcut menu.


No matter where you start the meeting from, you are taken to the MeetingBooster website where the meeting is executed. You must review the agenda and the attendee roster, check the status of tasks, and select a different note taker and host if required. For more information, see "Initializing a meeting".