Searching MeetingBooster

MeetingBooster includes two search features: a system search feature and a page-specific filter feature.

The system search feature searches meeting titles, meeting attributes, meeting topic descriptions, topic notes, topic presenters, topic statuses, task creators, task titles and task owners in the entire MeetingBooster system of the organization. It is very useful for searching for important information across any number of projects, tasks and meetings.

The filter feature filters items available on the current page based on your input. It is very useful when you want to find something on the current page quickly, for example if you want to search for all meetings under Upcoming Meetings that include the word "sales".

Content that only exists in Microsoft Outlook and has not yet been synchronized with the MeetingBooster server is not searched. For more information on setting up the plug-in for synchronization, see "Setting up the Microsoft Outlook plug-in".

Using the system search feature

Enter the search text in the field at the top right of the MeetingBooster window.

Click the drop-down to the left of the search field to select which search option you want to use, or skip this step to use the last option used. If you have not used the system search feature before, the default option (Any of the words) will be used.

Any of the words: returns all pages that contain one or more of the words you have entered

All of the words: returns all pages that contain all of the words you have entered

This exact phrase: returns all pages that contain the exact phrase you have entered

Example: If you search for US sales using the default Any of the words search option, you will find all pages containing the word US, the word sales, or both. If you use the option All of the words, you will find all pages containing both the word US and the word sales, but not pages that only contain one of the words. And if you use the This exact phrase option, you will find all pages that contain the phrase US sales, but not, for example, pages containing the phrase US YTD sales.

Click Search or press Enter.

All results matching the search text are displayed on a result page using yellow highlighting.

The search option used is shown in parentheses next to the heading Search results. In addition, the words in the search text you entered will be prefixed with + signs in the search field if you used the All of the words option, and enclosed in quotation marks "" if you used the This exact phrase option. In this way, you can quickly see which option you used.

(Optional) Refine the search results to show tasks or decisions only, or both, by selecting a check box as appropriate.

Click the minus and plus buttons next to the results to collapse or expand details as needed, hiding or showing all search results in each meeting. This is very helpful in case of lengthy search results.

Click the expand and collapse buttons to the right of a meeting title or topic name to show or hide the rest of the information associated with this meeting or topic.

To navigate the search results, use the arrow icons  below the search results.

Click any link in the search result to go directly to the document location in the MeetingBooster system.

Exporting global search results

You can export agenda topics and tasks from global search results to a PDF file.

Select the check boxes next to the items you want to export.

Click the drop-down to the left of the Export Selections button to select if attachments in topics and notes should be embedded in the exported PDF file or inserted as links. Skip this step to use the last option used. If you have not used the export feature before, the PDF will contain links to the attachments.

If you embed attachments, the exported PDF file can become very large.

Click Export Selections .

If no items have been selected for export, the Export Selections button is gray, and clicking it does not achieve anything.

A PDF file containing the selected agenda topics and tasks is created. The PDF file contains bookmarks, enabling you to quickly browse the exported search results by meeting.

You can open embedded attachments in the PDF file directly by double-clicking them.

You can click links to attachments in the PDF file to open the attachments from the MeetingBooster site.

Using the filter feature

Make sure that you are located on the page you want to search (e.g. Upcoming Meetings or Past Meetings).

Enter the search text in the Filter field.

Click Filter or press Enter.

The current view is filtered to show only items containing the search text.

You can only filter by items that can be displayed on the current page. For example, you cannot use the filter feature on the Upcoming Meetings page to filter by meeting attributes, as meeting attributes are not shown on this page. To search by meeting attributes and other meeting details, use the system search feature described above.

Reset the Filter field by doing one of the following:

Delete all search text in the Filter field and click Filter .

Click Delete at the right of the Filter field.