From the Admin section, you can activate and set up the feedback feature that collects feedback from meeting attendees when the meeting is ended. All feedback collected is saved in the system and can be used for various dashboard reports. For more information, see "Working with dashboards" and "Using feedback reports".
Click Settings and select Admin.
Click Feedback Settings under Dashboard in the menu.
Select Enable Feedback.
Select a rating scale and a set of labels for the scale. Select Custom to define your own labels.
Select how often attendees should be asked for feedback.
Select criteria for the feedback feature.
Minimum meeting duration is the actual duration of the meeting. Example: Attendees are not asked for feedback if the meeting was scheduled to last one hour but only took ten minutes, and this criterion was set at 30 minutes.
Minimum number of attendees should be at least 3 to preserve anonymity. Attendees are not asked for feedback if there were less than 3 attendees.
Minimum percentage of replies refers to the number of attendees that have provided feedback on the meeting. To protect attendee anonymity, this should be set at a fairly high value if the number of attendees is low. If the reply percentage is lower than the set criterion, the feedback is not included in the dashboard reports.
Select how long unanswered feedback requests should be kept in the system before being deleted.
Meeting attendees are reminded of any unanswered feedback requests in the weekly email from MeetingBooster until the unanswered requests are deleted.
Select whether comments are allowed, and what the attendees may comment on.
Click Preview Dialog to see what the feedback dialog will look like.
Click Save.
To disable the feedback feature, deselect Enable Feedback, and click Save.