Approving meeting minutes

At the end of a meeting, you may be asked to review and approve the meeting minutes to make sure that everything that happened during the meeting was recorded correctly. MeetingBooster includes an approval system for both agendas and minutes.

If you have been selected to approve the minutes, you can always see them, even if one of the people in charge of the meeting has decided to hide them in the system.

The number of meetings whose agendas or minutes are awaiting your approval is shown in red next to the Pending Approvals option in the menu of the main window.

Also, an exclamation mark is shown next to the meeting title under Past Meetings, and you receive an email notifying you of the pending approval.

Do one of the following:

Click the link in the email.

Click Pending Approvals in the MeetingBooster main window to see a list of meetings whose agenda or minutes you have been requested to approve, and open the desired meeting for approval by clicking the meeting title.

Click the meeting title under Past Meetings.

Review the minutes of the meeting.

(Optional) Click Approval Status to see a list of attendees requested to approve the minutes, and whether they have approved or rejected them yet.

(Optional) Click Provide Input to provide comments if you feel that the note taker has forgotten something important, or if you think that something has been misrepresented in the minutes.

A dialog opens showing all comments made during creation and approval of the agenda, letting you add new comments or edit your own comments. For more information about entering comments, see "Viewing meeting minutes".

(Optional) Click Show Changes to compare the current minutes with previous versions if available. Select the version of the minutes you would like to compare with.

Changes are shown as follows:

identifies a new note.

identifies a note that has been deleted. Clicking shows you the deleted element.

identifies a note that has been edited. Clicking shows you what parts of the text have been added, deleted or edited.

To approve or reject the meeting minutes, click Approve/Reject , select Approve or Reject as appropriate, and click Save and Close. If you select Reject, you are taken to the Comments tab where you can add a note explaining why you rejected the meeting minutes.

The meeting organizer is notified of your actions. Depending on the input and approvals/rejections received from you or other attendees, the organizer may decide to edit the minutes and resend them to you for approval.

When the minutes are approved, a check mark is shown in the list of meetings.