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Case Study

Enfouibec Optimizes The Management of its Meetings with MeetingBooster

Josianne Lemay
Managing DirectorIndustry
EnvironmentWhat tool did you use previously for the management of your meetings?
After receiving emails from the other directors and department managers with their discussion topics, I prepared the meeting agenda in a Word document. This meant I had to spend quite a lot of time copying information from the emails and retyping it in Word.
How did you track your tasks before MeetingBooster?
Each attendee wrote down their own tasks (on a piece of paper or in a Word document). I had no easy way of checking if the tasks were completed or not.
If a task was late, I often obtained the reply: “I have forgotten”, or “I had not made a note of that task”.
For what kind of meeting do you use MeetingBooster?
We use MeetingBooster for our weekly management meetings, bimonthly production meetings and QSE/CHSCT committee meetings.
In what way does MeetingBooster help you with these meetings?
The meeting is better prepared because each attendee can insert their discussion topics and comments directly in the agenda. I also use a template which lets me re-use recurring topics for each CODIR meeting.
During the meeting, I write down and assign the tasks straight away. This means that attendees get the minutes and the list of the tasks they need to complete as soon as the meeting is over. Before that, the minutes were only available several days after the meeting.
Now that I use MeetingBooster, I have less post-meeting work. Data does not get lost as often, and tasks are not forgotten.
Thanks to MeetingBooster, I can check the task status easily and at any time. I no longer need to create additional Excel spreadsheets. This increases accountability for the attendees by identifying those who have not completed their tasks in time.

Josianne Lemay
Managing DirectorIndustry
EnvironmentAfter several weeks of use, we have noticed a change in the behavior of our employees as far as meetings are concerned: better discipline and more autonomy. Our meetings have become more focused. There are fewer and fewer repetitions, and the feeling of having to restate something that was said in a previous meeting is now not so common.
Until now, our weekly board meetings lasted from 9 am to 11.30 am. Thanks to MeetingBooster in particular, they now only last 1 hour.